2008 年10月の展覧会

2nd Annual Chopsticks NY Cover
Artist Contest
“An Exhibition of the Finalists”

開画廊時間 :火〜金 12-6PM

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表紙アーティスト・コンテスト入賞者展 「日本」をテーマにした英字フリーマガジン、Chopsticks NY誌では、今年3月以 来、2010年1月号〜12月号の表紙を飾るアーティストを公募、審査して参りまし た。独自の視点から「日本」を表現した、力強い作品が集まり、その中から3段 階の審査を通して優れた5人のアーティストを選出しました。この度、10月 22〜30日にマンハッタンのNYCooギャラリーにて、激戦を勝ち抜いた5人の作品展 示会を開催いたします。23日には、オープニング・レセプションを催す予定で す。皆様のご来場をお待ちしております。


Sing Pong, Chui
Mr. Chui is enrolled at Pratt Institute, where he is majoring in industrial design. Before moving to the U.S., he studied graphic design and worked in Hong Kong. In regards to this contest, he explains, “I want to communicate the kind of excitement that I found both in Japan and NY. It is essential to bring a little twist into the ‘known’ Japanese images along with the imagery that New Yorkers are already familiar with.”  

Will Varner
Currently enrolled in the MFA illustration program at the School of Visual Arts, Mr. Varner actively explores his talent and possibilities by working on various projects. As for being a cover artist of Chopsticks NY, he says, “I see it as a way to combine my love for NYC with my love for Japanese Pop culture. I will highlight the exciting ways that Japanese culture interacts with this great city today!”   

Riwa Narumi
Ms. Narumi is a freelance illustrator/graphic designer in NY. She received a B.A. from Tama Art University, where she majored in oil painting.  Ms. Narumi joined a design company in Tokyo and went on to lead ad projects as an art director. “To me, NY is like a mirror reflecting the culture of each ethnic group. I’d like to express the features of Japanese culture to New Yorkers through my artwork,” says Narumi.  

Mikiko Kanno
After graduating from Kyoto University of Art and Design, where she majored in oil painting, Ms. Kanno worked as a graphic designer in Osaka. Her enthusiasm for art made her move to New York. She explores the ways she can incorporate various materials into the oil painting method that she has strong foundation. She admits, “New York City makes me strong and improves my artwork.”  

Hayoung Shin
Born and educated in South Korea, Ms. Shin has had a passion for drawing ever since she was a child. After receiving a B.A. from the University of Seoul and studying at Tokyo Gakugei University, she moved to the U. S. to pursue her childhood dream of studying illustration. “I like illustrations that make people’s hearts warm,” she says. She graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology this spring.