NY Coo Galleryの4月の展覧会は、Ryo Iida Asian Art キューレーションによる「亜細亜芸術と骨董展」です。 |
光琳の時代、宝船の絵を枕の下に置いて眠って新年を迎えると、夢が叶うという言い伝えがありました。本図はおそらく光琳が求めに応じて描いたものと思われます。本図に描かれた大きな俵は繁栄、2羽の鶴と松の木は縁起の良いシンボルとして描かれています。彼の巧みな筆さばきを是非御高覧ください。 |
(詠み人 道因法師)
恋する女性が相手の男性のつれなさを嘆いた歌です。 |
NY Coo Gallery |
********** NY Coo Gallery News Letter - April **********
“Asian Art and Antique - Let There be Antique!” exhibition has finally began at the NY Coo Gallery.
Some of the main features of this antique exhibition include “Takarabune” (treasure ship), a painting by Korin Ogata (1658-1716), as well as shikishi (poem card) by Koetsu Hon’ami.
The exhibition also displays screens, ceramic jars, porcelain dishes, lacquer ware, metal-work and wood sculpture from the 14th century to the 20th century.
Please join us and enjoy the beautiful, traditional Asian art.
From top, left to right
Screen by Imai Takehisa (b. 1940) Landscape
Two panel screen, ink and silver on paper, signed Takehisa with one artist’s seal Takehisa / $400
Imari Blue and White, Hexagonal Shallow Bowl with Design of Zodiac Animals
Arita ware, Imari type, Edo Period, ca 1900 / $900
Screen by Imai Takehisa (b. 1940) Mt. Fuji
Two panel screen, ink and silver on paper, signed Takehisa with one artist’s seal Takehisa/ $500
Sterling Silver Chirori (sake decanter for cooling and warming)
First Half of 20th C. / $250 each
Imari Iroe (colored) Bowl
Edo Period, 19th C. $550
Imari blue and white cups with design of horse
Edo Period, First Half of 19th C. / sold (for set of six)
Satsuma Molded JarEdo Period
18th Century / $4000
Shigaraki Jar
Muromachi Period, 15th C. / $12,000
Black lacquer Tray with gold makie deco ration, with design of Manryo (Japanese Ardisla)
First half of 20th C. / $350
