March Exhibition

Ryugu Kimura Exhibition

News (Click Here!)

Wednesday, March 7th --- Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

Reception: Friday, March 9th, 5:00-7:30PM

Gallery Hours : Tuesday. to Saturday. 12:00 - 6:00PM


Kimura Ryugu Exhibition

Wednesday, March 7th - Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

Reception: Friday, March 9th, 5 | 7:30pm

The March exhibition at NY Coo Gallery features Ryugu Kimura and his suibokuga (paintings in sumi-ink). 

 Ryugu Kimurafs suibokuga expresses lifefs happiness and sorrow. Born in 1933 in Gifu prefecture, Mr. Kimura grew up midst of heavy U.S. air raids during World War II. After the war, he became a successful businessman to help Japanfs quick rise from ashes. 

  Having seen and experienced unjust realities of the world, Mr. Kimura turned his attention to nature in search of the meaning of truly grichh life. His landscape paintings represent deep human consciousness.

 Hinting subtle but unmistakable characteristics of Mr. Kimurafs style, the paintings of landscapes and great relics of the world are transformed into ghealing art.h

In 2005, Mr. Kimura became a multiple-award winner by collecting World Educational Art Grand Prize, Artistic Merit Award and Most|Recommended Artist Award selected by the A.M.S.C Spanish Headquarter (Sponsored by Fundacion Amigos Del Museo Prado). Mr. Kimura was also the winner of prestigious International Cultural Exchange Special Award in 2001.   

gMoney is important. Richness of heart and mind is even more important. A view that heals you is where your heart belongs. I want to create paintings that move people. Itfd be best if I could paint with heart, not logic,h says Mr. Kimura who also believes that the image of healing that is programmed into his DNA is what powers his creative activities.

It is important for an artist like Mr. Kimura to have exhibitions in New York where people who have left their homes and families behind gather. Mr. Kimurafs paintings reflect the warmth of gsweet old homeh that we long for


Member of |

Sesshu International Art Association (1999~)

Fundacion Amigos Del Museo Prado (2003~)

National Suibokuga Art Association (2003~)

International Exhibitions |

France (Paris), Egypt (Cairo), Singapore, Monaco, New York City


NYCoo Gallery

Also at:
Secretariat Building South Lobby
United Nations Headquarters
Monday, February 12th ~ Friday, February 23rd
Opening Reception: 6:00pm~8:00pm, Monday, February 12th
(This exhibition is not open to the general public)