Chopsticks NY
表紙アーティスト・コンテスト 入賞者展
「日本」をテーマにした英字フリーペーパー、Chopsticks NY(毎月5万部発行)では、昨年12月以来、2008年9月号〜2009年8月号の表紙を飾るアーティストを公募、審査して参りました。足掛け3カ月、そして3段階の審査を経て、特に優れたアーティスト4名(古姓瑶子さん、菱木明日香さん、フェイ・リューさん、CHIAKI UCHIDAさん)を選出しました。全く異なるスタイルを持ったこの4名のアーティストは、Chopsticks NYのコンセプトを十分に理解した上で、独自の視点から「日本」を表現した、ユニークな作品を見せてくれました。
この度、激戦を勝ち抜いた4名の作品展示会をマンハッタンのNY Cooギャラリーにて開催いたします。22日には、旭酒造株式会社(獺祭)、ITO EN, CAFE´ ZAIYA, サッポロUSA, Inc., SUNTORY INTERNATIONAL Corp., 千代むすび酒造株式会社、各社の協力を得て、オープニング・レセプションを催す予定です。皆様のご来場をお待ちしております。
Yoko Furusho (Winner of the contest)
She has just graduated from the School of Visual Arts, New York, this May. She was chosen for American Illustration 26 while she was enrolled. The first magazine she worked on as an illustrator is published in July.
菱木明日香さん / フェイ・リューさん / CHIAKI UCHIDAさん
Asuka Hishiki
Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto, Japan. She has taught art in several institutions in Japan while working as a freelance illustrator, and has published three publications, including “Picture Book for the Culture in Kyoto.”
Fay Ryu
After she earned a BA in Visual Arts & Ethnic Studies at Brown University and an MFA in Illustration as Visual Essay at the School of Visual Arts, New York, she contributed to newspapers, design projects and comic books as an illustrator.
Chiaki Uchida
She is currently enrolled at the Illustration Academy of Art University, San Francisco. She has been highly evaluated in several competitions, including New York Society of Illustrator Student Competition.
About Chopsticks NY
Products and culture from Japan are steadily becoming a part of New Yorkers' lives today, and it is our mission to provide the best guide to Japanese culture. Chopsticks NY features articles on Japanese culture in New York, current issues in Japan along with over 800 listings of restaurants, grocery & liquor stores, beauty spas, healthcare providers, and cultural schools of Japanese influence. As the proud publisher of NY Japion, the most popular Japanese weekly newspaper in the Tri State Area, we have the newest and the hottest information in New York. We have over 400 distribution locations, including Gristedes Supermarket and Food Emporium.
About Trend Pot NY, LLC
Since its inception in January 2001, Trend Pot NY, LLC has published NY Japion, a free Japanese weekly newspaper, providing information for the Japanese community in the Tri- State area. The newspaper has a circulation of 23,000 and is distributed to over 230 restaurants and other businesses. Its editorial team has developed an extensive network with over one hundred high-end restaurant owners and chefs. Trend Pot NY, LLC has also expanded its network beyond the Japanese community and into the Chinese, Korean, Thai and other Asian communities. With the infrastructure established with the premier weekly, Trend Pot NY, LLC decided to launch Chopsticks N Y in 2007.
Company Description
Name: Trend Pot NY, LLC
Address: 30 W. 26th St. 10th Fl. New York, NY 10010-2011
Telephone: 212-431-9970
Fax: 212-431-9960
