
“ArtCards to Connect”

September 16 − 29, 2015
Reception: Fri, September 18, 6 − 8pm
At: TENRI Gallery
43 A west 13th Street, New York, NY 10011


"ArtCards to Connect" Exhibition is up and open to public today at 12PM.
Please come to the Tenri Gallery and enjoy all the ArtCards.
All the ArtCards are available for purchase for a one-time donation exceeding $20. Although $20 is the minimum, feel free to donate any amount you are willing. If there is a piece you would like, please speak to a gallery attendant.
ArtCards' Participating Artists (Final)
We have received the total of 220 ArtCards from 106 artists.
Thank you to everyone who is participating our charity exhibition.
-Alphabetical order-
Shinko Araki, Yukitada Ayukawa, Bill Barrell, Daniel C Boyer, Silvia Soares Boyer, Kaia D. Brimer, Hiroko Calluori, D Capobianco, J. Compton, Sara Corley, Cedric van Eenoo, Mikako Fujiwara, Takeru Fukushima, Kazuki Garay, Tomoko Hayakawa, Hector Hernandez, Christopher Hill, Yui Horiuchi, Yoshiko Hoshi, Sumiko Hwang, Kazuko HY., Yoshiko Ikeda, David Imse, Itsuko Ishiguro, Kana Matsuo Jiang, Rando Konishi, Kunio Izuka, Hanako Iwahashi, Yuko K. Sanjing Kang, Akiko Kato, Miho Kawachi, Yoko Kobayashi, Keiko Koch, Mieko Seihou Komiyama, Keiko Koshimitsu, Yoshi Kumasaka, Minjin Kung, Aiko Kurebayashi, Akie Kurebayashi, Hisae Kurebayashi, Nina Kuo, Jessica Lee, Karl Lorenze, Regina Lorenzen, Marina Mamyan, Vivien Masters, Kyoko Matsumoto, Yohko Matsunuma, Connor McCosker, Hiromi McCosker, Maya McCosker, Toru Mimura, Ryoko Miyao, Cynthia L. Morrison, Kazumi Nagakura, Sakura Nagamine, Miki Nagano, Reiko Nagatsuka, Hitoshi Nakazato, Megumi Nakazawa, Mary Nash, Toshiko Nishikawa, Manabu Nishikori, Stephen Nyktas, Chie Ogura, Yuki Ohashi, Masaharu Oshida, Minako Ota, Timnah Rosenshine, Lorin Roser, Ikuko Roth, Lena Samol. Ichiro Sato, Masaaki Sato, Naoko Sawada, Elfi Schuselka, Jordan Shaver, Yoriko Shiraishi, Sara Sill, Rachel Singel, Mirai Shimoda, H. Cecilia Suhr, Kunio Suzuki, Miho Suzuki, Riho Suzuki, Akemi Takeda, Mary Teichman, Yumiko Terasawa, Molly Tull, Yoshie Uchida, Nao Uchimura, Shintaro Ueyama, Jan van de Pol, Charles Visconage, Adela Wagner, Ty Warren, Eiji Watanabe, Keico Watanabe, Satoru Watanabe, Shiori Watanabe, M. Worth, Satoco Yamamoto, Koyuki Yasui, Yukie Yasui
The participating Artists are from :
Armenia, England, Japan, Netherlands, Russia, California, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, New York, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington D.C. Wisconsin
Exhibit your art at a Manhattan gallery and raise money for children's charities.

このたびは「第11回ホーム・アウェイ・フォラム・ホーム」展覧会並びに「アートカードで結ぶ」チャリティー展覧会に御出でいただき誠にありがとうございました。「アートカードで結ぶ」チャリティーの主旨にご賛同いただき、カードをご購入頂きました事を多摩美ニューヨーククラブ会員一同 心より感謝します。ご購入頂きましたアートカードを同封いたしました。どうぞお確かめください。


The TAMABI NY Club is hosting a fundraiser for
Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City
The Children’s Aid Society
New Yorkers for Children

Eligibility:No entrance fee.The show is open to all artists who agree to donate their piece to the fundraiser.
Application due: Post marked by September 4th
To participate, submit up to three finished 2-D artworks on 4” x 6” paper. Photographs are accepted.
Print Full Name, Title of Artwork, and Email Address on the top left corner of the back of each artwork
and mail to:
ArtCard to Connect, P. O. Box 1556
143 E Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07451

Artists must send an e-mail stating Name and Title of Artwork
Since the gallery is a place where children gather, we won't exhibit any art pieces that are inappropriate for children's viewing.

Show location: Tenri Cultural Institute Gallery,Tama Art University New York ClubHAFH XI Exhibition
43A West 13th Street, New York, New York 10011
Show schedule: September 16 to September 29
Reception on September 18, 6-8 pm
Each piece will be on sale for gallery-goers to purchase. All profit, minus handling, goes to charity.

The list of participating artists will be updated on Tama Art University NY Club Facebook page.
We cannot return pieces. Unsold pieces may be included in future fundraisers at our discretion.

Organized by The Alumni Association of Tama Art University New York Club
Supported by The Alumni Association of Tama Art University.



今年のHAFH 11th Exhibition (多摩美ニューヨーククラブ展覧会)会場内であなたのアート作品を展示しませんか?

Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City
The Children’s Aid Society
New Yorkers for Children

応募期限:アメリカ国内9月4日 消印有効、海外からの出品は9月7日必着
募集作品: 絵画、版画、写真等、紙の上に描かれた平面作品のみ。サイズは4インチx6インチ (10.16 cm x 15.24cm, USのポストカード大)。

作品送付先:ArtCard to Connect, P. O. Box 1556
143 E Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07451


展示会場: Tenri Cultural Institute Gallery
43A West 13th Street, New York, New York 10011
展示期間:2015年9月16日(木)− 9月29日(火)
オープニングレセプション:9月18日(金) 6 -8pm





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