多摩美術大学校友会ニューヨーククラブは「ホーム・アウェイ・フロム・ホーム」という題目のもと、 2004年より年に一度展覧会を開催し、今年2024年度の年次展にて20周年を迎えます。
今回の展覧会では「Beyond Borders (境界を超えて) 」という副題の元、作家の考える境界線を投影した展示になります。近年、国境や文化的な枠組みをめぐる複雑な問題が世界中で注目を集める中、この展覧会では境界が持つ意味や影響について深く考察します。
同会場では、松尾明子(Akiko Matsuo)の個展も同時開催致します。この作家は独自の視点から食虫植物というモチーフを探求し、それを通じて社会的ヒエラルキーに疑問を投げかけます。彼女の作品は、社会的な期待や規範、制約からの解放を象徴し、個人が自らの道を切り拓く勇気を称賛します。
HP www.tamabiny.com
The Tama Art University Alumni Association’s NY Club has been holding annual exhibitions entitled “Home Away From Home” since 2004. This year, we celebrate our 20th exhibition.
“Home Away From Home” expresses who we are, having left our homes in Japan to make our homes here. We remain conscious of our identities while making efforts to break through our own artistic confines here in New York, an important center of the art market.
In this exhibition entitled “Beyond Borders” each of the artists interpret how they visualize boundaries. Complex issues about national borders and cultural frameworks have been gaining attention worldwide in recent years. This exhibition attempts to explore some of the meanings and impacts of boundaries.
We intend to delve beyond mere physical borderlines by weaving concepts of culture, identity, empathy, and aspirations to highlight the variety of boundaries which may not be noticeable ordinarily. We hope that each of the works will offer different perspectives on the impact of boundaries on the lives and consciousness of people providing the viewers with insights and empathy.
This year, Akiko Matsuo’s solo exhibition is featured in the same venue. Akiko Matsuo explores the theme of insectivorous plants from her unique perspective to question social hierarchy.
The theme is her symbolic expression of freedom from expectations, norms, and restrictions to celebrate the courage of individuals in their pursuit of pathways.
We welcome you to come and see our Tama Art University New York Club exhibition.
HP www.tamabiny.com