
2023年 第19回 HAHF展

The Alumni Association of Tama Art University New York Club

副題:Artwork Q & A
同時開催:Rokhyun Baek 個展
開催期間:2022年9月19日() 〜 10月2日(月)
レセプション:9月21日(木) 6:00〜8:00
会場:Tenri Gallery, 43A West 13th Street, New York, NY 10011 www.tenri.org
時間:12 - 6PM (月– 木) 12 - 3PM (土) 金、日 休。最終日の10/2 (月)は3時閉館

Press Release
The 19th Alumni Association of Tama Art University New York Club

Home Away From Home XIX: Artwork Q & A

 多摩美術大学校友会ニューヨーククラブは「ホーム・アウェイ・フロム・ホーム」という題目のもと、 2004年より年に一度展覧会を開催し、2023年度で第19回目を迎えます。


 今回の展覧会では「Artwork  Q&A」という副題の元、作家達が考えるQuestionに相応する作品と、Answerに相応する作品をそれぞれ展示します。一方の作品の問いかけに、もう一方の作品が答える、このことにより「作品同士の対話」を視覚化するという表現の試みです。


 同会場では、Rokhyun Baek個展も同時開催致します。Rokhyun Baekの作品は心の中にある情熱や熱量が凝縮されて生まれる、素朴な力強さを表現するものです。自身の感情を欺くことなく日々の生活から生まれる感動や自然の美しさから受ける感銘を忠実に記録しています。



ホームページ  www.tamabiny.com 


 The Tama Art University Alumni Association’s NY Cub has been holding its annual exhibition entitled “Home Away From Home” since 2004. This is our 19th exhibition.
“Home Away From Home” expresses who we are having left our homes in Japan to make our homes here. We remain conscious of our identities while making efforts to break through our own artistic confines here in New York, the center of the art market.

 The exhibition this time is two-fold “Artwork Q &A” consisting of two works by the same artist, one that poses a question and the other a response as an answer. By creating a dialog between the works, it attempts to further the visualization of expression.

 After all, art is a repetition of endless questionings. The artist makes efforts to create what may be the best during the particular time of the artistic process. However, as soon as the work is finished, there is a shift toward the next question in the following works to come.

 This year, we feature Rokhyun Baek is her solo exhibition. Rokhyun Baek expresses the simple strength that is born from the concentration of passion and enthusiasm in our hearts. Without being led astray by her emotions, she faithfully records what she intuits from the inspirations of daily life and beauty of nature. 

 The crystal glass that dot the fabric of her canvas are at times the twinkle of stars or the sparkle of raindrops, and even more the glimmer of life. 

 We welcome you to come and see our Tama Art University New York Club exhibition.

HP  www.tamabiny.com 
